Stood Down

The next group meeting will be Saturday 15th February, 20:00/8pm at The Bobbin Carrier

About Us

West Yorkshire 4x4 Volunteers were formed in 2011 by an experienced group of 4x4 owners who recognised that in adverse weather conditions such as floods, snow and ice, our local emergency and care services were struggling to get to certain areas where they were needed.
Since forming the group we have covered thousands of miles transporting medical and care staff as well as assisting our first line emergency services, assisted at hundreds of events and worked with several local charities.
We can call on over a hundred drivers with a vast variety of vehicles from standard production models to those highly modified to work in the most extreme environments allowing us to meet any tasks we have to face.

What We Do

We offer assistance as required via the Local Resilience Forum,
principally Category 1 and Category 2 responders, such as Police, Ambulance, Doctors and Local Authorities.
This is often in extraordinary circumstances or extremes of weather, such as heavy snow or flooding where we perform a variety of roles, including the relocation of people or equipment, access to or from areas that could not be reached by 'normal' vehicles, the recovery of stranded people or critical equipment.
We have agreements in place to provide services to all the local Health providers and a large number of care homes and support services during extremes of weather. This can range from ensuring hospitals and care homes have enough staff to function to transporting support staff as they carry out house visits ensuring the sick and elderly receive the care they require.

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